Sun and the moon, tiny tattoo

"The sun loved the moon so much that she died every night just to let him breathe." These two tiny tattoos are so cute for their size and the minimalistic design. This simple design makes for a good couple or friend tattoo.
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Mini survival kit, tiny tattoo

"Every survival kit should include a sense of humor." Simple designs for these important items you definitely need if you are out on an adventure. The minimalistic design lets you collect more tattoos on your body, and I'm sure with this customer he will get some more. :)
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Rising Tiger

"How can u rise if u have not burned." Stunning realistic tiger tattoo. The eyes of the tiger look right back. Beautiful fur structure, you can see every little hair on the animals face. Everything gets framed beautifully with the smoke coming up. Well placed, well detailed, well done!
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Strong roots

“A tree with strong roots laughs at storms.” A nice combination of the Geometric elements and the tree trunk with its strong roots going down. Great use of the fine lines to highlight the cracks in the tree. It makes it more detailed which creates a nice contrast to the simple triangles and gives the trunk a bit more structure. Definitely a well done unique, simple design.
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Cute little animals

What animal can jump higher than a house? ... well any animal that can jump ... houses can't jump at all. A beautiful little array of minimalistic tiny tattoos featuring animals we have tattooed in the past. All feature a bit different aesthetic, because different people own them, but all in all, these mini animals are really cute and put a smile on your face everytime you look at one of them.
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Emotion, fine line tattoo / One line aesthetic

"Life has many ways of testing a person's will, either by having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen all at once." This woman face got tattooed with some well placed fine lines. The tattoo has the aesthetic like a one line tattoo has. Simply clean look, only black, no shading. Fits perfectly on the spot and because you can see the face so clearly, you can still see the emotions written in the mimic.
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Polynesian full sleeve

The Maori are indigenous people that originated in New Zealand. They have a form of body art, known as moko but more commonly referred to as Maori tattooing. The art form was brought to the Maori from Polynesia and is considered highly sacred. Great finished full size Maori sleeve. This tattoo is featuring some patterns inspired by Polynesian and Maori tattoos. They got places all around the arm. Most of them meet on the inside of the arm to create a zig zag pattern throughout the whole arm. Beautiful variety in the patterns used to create a stunning piece.
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Amelie, Script tattoo

One of the main reasons for the name of your child, is to show off the love and adoration the parent has for their little one. Amelie is a variant of the Latin and Old German name Amelia and the Latin name Emily. Great always reminder for a very special Person. The name is running on top of the Date which makes the tattoo dynamic, but at the same time well framed, because the letter "A" is at the same height as the Date. This works well on paper and even better on the skin. Nice scripting and well placed.
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Great polynesian Legs

Tā Moko ist die dauerhafte Verzierung des Körpers und Gesichts der Māori, des indigenen Volkes Neuseelands. Das Erhalten des Moko kennzeichnete einen wichtigen Lebensabschnitt im Übergang von der Kindheit zum Erwachsenendasein und wurde von vielen Ritualen begleitet. Das Moko selbst beinhaltet eine Art Code, der Aussagen über Herkunft und Rang des Trägers zulässt.
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Symbol of Hope

There aren't many things that get tattooed as often as an anchor. If you think about classic tattoos, the anchor jumps to everyone's mind. It's been tattooed for many, many years and will probably stay with us for many more. It stands for a lot of things. The anchor was chosen as it holds a ship in place, representing strength, security and safety. It's a symbol of hope.
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Ring of Lines

This small fine art tattoo is really minimalistic in its design using only lines and a few small dots here and there. Yet it makes for a good looking geometric-tattoo right above the elbow.
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Lightning makes no sound until it strikes! Two mini but striking tattoos. Both have a simple but defining silhouette, which makes thes two minimalistic tattoos so recognizable!
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Steam locomotive

Simple Lines but grafic! the tattoo schows a steam locomotive wich is a type of railway locomotive that produces its pulling power through a steam engine. These locomotives are fuelled by burning combustible material usually coal, wood, or oil to produce steam in a boiler. Bolt Lines and a lot of Black makes this tattoo stand out.
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Saudade ist eine spezifisch portugiesische und galicische bzw. lusophone Form des Weltschmerzes. Das Konzept der Saudade lässt sich mit „Traurigkeit“, „Wehmut“, „Sehnsucht“, „Fernweh“ oder „sanfte Melancholie“ nur annähernd übersetzen.
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Word Circle

Lettering is defined as the process of adding letters such as on a sign or the letters that have been written. Often used in tattooing creating mini art pieces out of simple shapes and forms.
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Mini Script

Lettering is defined as the process of adding letters such as on a sign or the letters that have been written. Often used in tattooing creating mini art pieces out of simple shapes and forms.
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Polynesian thighs

Peʻa ist die Bezeichnung für die traditionellen „tatau“ (Tätowierungen) der Männer auf Samoa. Eine weitere Bezeichnung ist malofie, ein Wort aus dem Wortschatz der Häuptlinge in der Samoanischen Sprache und aus der Gruppe der „Respektsbezeichnungen“. Tatau ist eine alte polynesische Kunstform, die in Verbindung steht mit den Übergangsriten für Männer.
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full Polynesian arm

Peʻa ist die Bezeichnung für die traditionellen „tatau“ (Tätowierungen) der Männer auf Samoa. Eine weitere Bezeichnung ist malofie, ein Wort aus dem Wortschatz der Häuptlinge in der Samoanischen Sprache und aus der Gruppe der „Respektsbezeichnungen“. Tatau ist eine alte polynesische Kunstform, die in Verbindung steht mit den Übergangsriten für Männer.
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Der Dom zu Unserer Lieben Frau in der Münchner Altstadt, oft Frauenkirche genannt, ist seit 1821 die Kathedralkirche des Erzbischofs von München und Freising und zählt zu den Wahrzeichen der bayerischen Landeshauptstadt München.
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Into the Horizon

For centuries, the gondola was a major means of transportation and the most common watercraft within Venice. This is a well done minimalistic fineline depiction of the gondola.

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