Purple flower / Japanese tattoo

Here we set the focus on a single thing, this colourful peony. It's in front of some typical Japanese windbars and surrounded by cherry blossoms. The Japanese Style never disappoint if done by the right artist. The bold lines that get used in this style are always there to support the colours to the maximum and for a reason, because the fade between colours is outstanding in this flower. The contrast between the purple on the leaves that then fades to yellow towards the middle is just a stunning thing to look at.
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Kryptox on the neck with flowers

We as tattoo-artist can change the reference to a design made just for you, as we did here. We took the Kryptox but wrote a text in it that was important to our customer. Never be afraid to ask your tattoo artist something! Just tell us your idea, and we try our best to get it under your skin.
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Big Japanese Backpiece

This is the real deal! A full backpiece in a Japanese aesthetic. You can see the crazy number of details our Tattoo-artist went through. The scales, feathers, leafs just everything looks fantastic in this tattoo, and the colour accents round it all off. Amazing piece by our Asian expert Neumie!
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Dragon power! Anime-style tattoo

This dragon on the forearm got some nice details to it. The many scales and hairs give the dragon a nice look. The horns got some nice shading and with that little bit of dots sprinkled onto them, gives the horns a nice structure. The tattoo sits perfectly on the arm and looks amazing from every angle. Great job on our tattoo artists' part, and nice custom design!
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Asian Watercolour tattoo

These Asian symbols are placed on the calf and got surrounded by a huge load of watercolours! Very nice colours got picked for this tattoo that work together really well. The Scripting on top of the Aquarell background is well saturated with a dark black, and the fact that behind the symbols is the lightest part of the coloured background helps with the visability. Great tattoo from our artist.
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Black Ink stroke

"Each brushstroke is a decision." Simple looking, but more complicated to tattoo than you might think. Our artist lets this black stroke look like it was painted with a brush. The added drops add detail on top and provide an interesting motive with a simple composition. Even though it is just a brush stroke it has a Japanese flair to it.
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Chihiro is cuddling with Haku, Anime tattoo

Lovely Anime tattoo. Chihiro is cuddling with Haku in a beautiful, colorful scene. This makes for a cute tattoo for all studio Ghibli fans. The flowers add to the composition and lets you better feel the moment. Nice simple shading and enough colour to give it the Kawaii look.
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Japanese brush stroke

"Life is a circle. The end of our journey is the beginning of the next." Simple looking, but more complicated to tattoo than you might think. Our artist lets this black stroke look like it was painted with a brush. The fine line mini scripts make for a nice minimalistic tattoo on the foot. Well placed around the ankle. Clean work.
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True Warrior

"Warriors are not the ones who always win, but the ones that always fight." This lone Samurai and the scenery around it is beautiful in its design, and gets so much emotion across. The technique used for the style our customer wanted is breathtaking. All those small fine lines on the cloth are well placed and the shading looks stunning. Well crafted art piece that fits snugly on the place of the body.
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Phoenix fighting Dragon Backpice

Der Phönix‚ der Wiedergeborene/der neugeborene Sohn ist ein mythischer Vogel, der am Ende seines Lebenszyklus verbrennt oder stirbt, um aus dem verwesenden Leib oder aus seiner Asche wieder neu zu erstehen. Drache, bei den Griechen und Römern die Bezeichnung für jede ungiftige größere Schlangenart ist ein schlangenartiges Mischwesen der Mythologie, in dem sich Eigenschaften von Reptilien, Vögeln und Raubtieren in unterschiedlichen Variationen miteinander verbinden.
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